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Be Agile

Remote work

5 Tips for successful remote meetings

20 Mar 2020




In the current context, I guess most of you have at least experimented a remote meeting. As an agile coach, this is of course my case as well! Since the last few days, I have been spending a large part of my time in such meetings, either as a participant or as a facilitator.

From these experiences, quickly emerged the following reflexes to improve the quality of these remote meetings. Keep in mind that this meeting format requires a much greater cognitive effort than in face-to-face mode. By applying these little tips, you can significantly increase your efficiency. For the more agile among you, you will note that I have written them in the same spirit as a famous manifesto 😉

1. Use an external headphone with microphone, rather than the integrated audio device of your PC and tablet.

2 Remember to turn on your microphone only when you are talking rather than leaving it on permanently.

3. Stay focus on the session, and temporarily turn off your email and social network notifications.

4. Ask regularly the participants if a break is needed, rather than sticking hard to the agenda

5. As far as possible, share electronic supports, more than just talking without common support

And if a facilitator is in the "room":

6. respect the rules from the facilitator, more than cheating with them 😉

Finally, do your best!
Remember that any change takes time to learn and become familiar with.
So be indulgent with yourself and your remote colleagues!

What about you, are you ready for remote work?

Based on your experiences, what advice would you like to share with the agile community?


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